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Civility in Politics Forum April 15, 2010


Civility in Politics

A Moderated Conversation with Mr. Bob Bennett and Representative Ted Celeste

Thursday, April 15

4:30 p.m.

100 Page Hall, 1810 N. College Road, Ohio State Columbus campus

RSVP required: Please e-mail by Monday, April 12.

In recent months we’ve all become too familiar with this scenario: while debating the most pressing policy issues of the day, an elected official breaches protocol with an extreme outburst. How can we move away from crippling partisan divisions and towards civil discourse as a means of solving our problems? Join former chairman of the Ohio Republican Party Bob Bennett, and Representative Ted Celeste (D – 24th District) for their thoughts on the way forward. This small-group discussion will be followed by questions from the audience.

Sponsored by the John Glenn School of Public Affairs, The Ohio State University

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