The sign wars begin . . . already.
We report with regret that many of the UA for Obama signs already have been stolen since their debut in the city on June 22nd. This is a problem that we expect to continue and worsen as we approach the general election.
We understand your frustration, and hope to ease the pain by helping to make sign replacement easy and affordable. Visit our Stolen Yard Sign Replacement page to order your replacement sign. It will be placed in your yard by our volunteers, and the general location of the theft will be "push pinned" on our stolen sign map. Best of all, replacement signs are half-priced!
We encourage our supporters to report all sign thefts to the UA Police department. We hope that our local law enforcement will keep an eye out for any active sign thefts during their nightly patrols.
Just a reminder about the proper placement of your UA for Obama sign:
1) Signs must not be in the City's right-of-way (different for every street, but typically the area from the sidewalk to the curb), nor can signs pose a visibility issue for drivers.
2) Signs cannot be illuminated at night.
3) Signs that are deteriorating and unsightly, or violate the above restrictions, legally can be removed by the City.
There is no limit as to the number of political signs in your yard as long as the signs conform to the above guidelines.
In 2004, many of our UA for Kerry supporters came up with creative ways to protect their sign from theft, such as hanging it from tree or placing it in a cage. If you think of a clever and effective way to prevent your sign from being stolen, please drop us a line at