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Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice






















"Environmental Justice: Redefining Environmentalism?"

Anna Willow, assistant professor of anthropology, OSU Marion

6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 6, 090/070 Science & Engineering Library (basement), 175 W. 18th Ave., Ohio State Columbus campus (parking available Tuttle Park Garage)

Environmental Justice (EJ) is simultaneously an environmental and a social movement. Far from the distant wilderness areas and endangered species that have frequently preoccupied mainstream environmentalists, EJ activists redefine “the environment” as the places we all live, work, and play. This evening’s talk will overview the history, main principles, and unifying goals of this emerging movement. Dr. Willow will describe her experiences as a cultural anthropologist working with indigenous anti-clearcutting activists in Northwestern Ontario. She will introduce and encourage stories about environmental justice issues that have arisen much closer to home.

Anyone is welcome, although seating may be limited.
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